San Miguel Charter Elementary School is located in the Larkfield area, just north of Santa Rosa. San Miguel is a school of choice. Of its 440 students, approximately one third are from out of the district. However, San Miguel’s parent/student/staff community is incredibly strong and the student and staff population are quite stable. Once enrolled, students stay at San Miguel and many teachers have taught there for most of their teaching career.
San Miguel’s mission is to bring all students to consistently meet or exceed state standards in English Language Arts and Math in a nurturing and supportive environment.
We also emphasize the Arts, Physical Education, and out of the classroom such as field trips, class buddies, guest speakers, and assemblies. Staff and students work together to create a safe and friendly campus where everyone is treated with respect. When that doesn’t happen, we work collaboratively to solve it.
San Miguel provides opportunities for students as they strive to reach their potential as learners and citizens.
Students can receive one on one, or small group instruction in the classroom and in our Response To Intervention (RTI) program. They receive guidance specific to their areas of need, whether it be for remediation, or enrichment for the students needing a greater challenge. Our Reading Challenge incentive program promotes reading for enjoyment and the added practice greatly improves reading skills. Students are motivated to read by recognition for their successes.
Field Trips and family social events (such as Bingo night) provide opportunities for students and families to get to know one another in a different setting. Our Friday Morning Assembly honors students’ special achievements. This short but powerful weekly meeting brings all students and staff together and builds community. Yard supervisors meet regularly to discuss issues of discipline and school climate. All staff are instructed in positive discipline methods including Building Effective Schools Together (BEST) and the Toolbox Tools.
There are many opportunities for parental involvement at San Miguel. Parents volunteer in classrooms (or can bring work home), chaperone field trips, organize and work special events like Elves Workshop, field day, picture day, join the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) or the School Site Council. We find that having parents involved helps with communication and creates a community, family feeling at San Miguel.
If you are considering our school, please contact me, I would love to give you a tour. – Patrick Eagle, Principal
Hello, my name is Patrick Eagle and I have been here at San Miguel Charter Elementary since 2016. I started in education in 1993. I have two children, Alex and Aimee, they have both graduated college and would like to be teachers. My wife Vicki is a teacher as well. I enjoy fast cars, listening to music, playing sports, making and fixing things. My favorite things are my family, my tools, and classic sports car. We have one pet, a small dog named Samee.
Every year, by February 1st, each school in California is required to publish a SARC (School Accountability Report Card) which contains information about the conditions and performance about each California school.
“We moved here when Aubrey was in 1st grade, days before winter break. She was very upset about us moving and I was so nervous for her shy little self to start at a new school mid year. Aubrey ended up in Jackie Reitenbach’s class and it could not have been a smoother transition. We’ve felt so blessed since day one to be surrounded by so many wonderful teachers who have treated my kids like their own. Thankful to be apart of such a wonderful community.